If you would like to know more about the service please visit:
- please visit www.england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/social-prescribing/,
- or ask your GP/Health Care Professional or Reception staff to make a referral to us.

Patients – Together With Your Link Worker, You Will:
- Explore what is important for your wellbeing- What Matters to Me?
- Identify local activities and services you could benefit from.
- Gain support and encouragement to start using services that could help you.
- Improve your health and wellbeing by giving you control over your health.
Patients – Benefits of Social Prescribing:
- Gain support to help with what matters to you.
- Feel more positive and confident.
- Make contacts in your community, help with loneliness and isolation.
- Improve mental wellbeing and lifestyle.
- Support with money, housing and employment.
- Improve relationships with family and friends.
- Improve impact of long-term conditions.
Local Activities